They say in In honor of the mother of the octuplets, Denny's is offering a new Breakfast Special:
You get fourteen eggs, no sausage, and the guy next to you has to pay the bill.
That woman along with all the other mental midgets who keep giving birth to all these pig liters expecting tax payers to support them as well as the doctors who keep implanting them should be in JAIL.
The Big Zero who got himself elected president by the clueless couch sitting television watching welfare recipients like this mother of fourteen so we can expect more pig litters and they will all be supported by our tax dollar.
Not only that, now we'll be paying to clone more of welfare hogs. Embryonic research begins with the cloning of human tissue after all and there must be a lot of petri dishes full of embryos just sitting in some fridge waiting for Dr. Frankenstein to get his hands on a stimulus check. Of course all we hear from our media is how embryonic research will save us all from every disease known to man and how mean ole Bush outlawed it. Actually embryonic research has never been illegal. The only action President Bush took took was to say the tax payer wasn't going to pay for it. GO BUSH! .
The media also never mentions the fact that embryonic research begins with cloning of human tissue or how it will be no time until they will be cloning the mental midgets who, like the Octuplet Mom, get into that type of welfare zap in the first place.
Of course those of us who, unlike O's cabinet, pay our taxes will pay for it ALL. Then we'll pay again for the national healthcare that will keep the little cloned monsters alive.
I'm RELOCATING!! The only place I can get away from this idiot invasion is the MOON!
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