Thursday, May 27, 2010

Okay, I admit it. I'm paranoid, but then anyone who is not, is either asleep, stoned, or unconscious.

I became suspicious when the MSM hardly noticed David Hayes, Obama's newly Appointed head of Minerals Management, when he declared immediately after the oil spill that the Horizon had been inspected at least three times this year including the last inspection only 3 weeks before the blow out. It struck me that the malfunctioning Blow out Protection device was either not inspected or it was sabotaged?

Either way, the blow out came at a very convenient time for Obama. Here's a few of the interesting coincidences:

(1) The oil spill occurred just before the global warming summit.

(2) The spill began soon after it became obvious that Al Gore's global warming experts were frauds.

(3) The spill began almost immediately after Obama sucked up to U.S. Oil money by reversing his previous "no offshore drilling" policy by issuing his "Explore baby, Explore" edict which severely troubled the global warming greenies.

(4) And the oil spill enabled Obama to reverse his previous reversal by placing a moratorium on offshore exploration and drilling.

Now he can waltz off to the Global Warming Summit arm in arm with another CRISIS!!

Does that all sound too darned convenient or not?

Am I just paranoid? Or am I paranoid because there's an enemy agent in the White House? (Even the paranoid have enemies you know)

It's a very deep question.....


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