Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama's popularity plunging?

Posted by Cliff on 2-6-09

After only one week in office Obama‘s approval rating plunged from the stratospheric 83% to 68% according to recent Gallup Polls..." (CNN)
Here’s a few reasons why:
1. - First day in office, Obama scowls and reprimands his VP (Biden) in front of cameras over a little joke about swearing in a second time... (Way to undress your running mate and now second in command on day one!)2. - Preparing the nation for are we going to be able to do on the pace that we had hoped." Was it that different only four months ago when he made the promises? Or could it be he made unrealistic promises to get elected?
3. - Obama vowed to immediately start clearing out troops from Iraq as if he didn’t know or care that his blood brothers will be killing over here if they’re not killing over there.
4. - Obama, on Thursday, issued an order to shut down Guantanamo Bay with no plan for moving al-Qaida prisoners because no place in the world will take them. Since Obama’s the only guy who likes them we could just go ahead and move them into the White House with their one and only friend.
during his campaign only 3 mo5. - Within in 72 hours of taking office, he's failed to initiate tax cuts for 95% of working Americans as promised nths ago. But with the new taxes in the stimulus bill, we’ll all be on Welfare and no one will be working so it won’t really matter... Except if nobody’s working who’ll pay for my welfare??
6. - After bashing Bush for our Trillion dollar deficit incurred over 8-full years of defending our nation, Obama’s initiated a bill to double that amount in 1 week. (i.e. "stimulus plan, a.k.a. Stickittous plan")
7. - Obama created an ugly scene in the press room because he “didn't like the question asked by a reporter.” After , mm ; ,,,,,,,,,,,…........ being asked how his promised ban on lobbyists related to the lobbyists he’s selected for his administration... [with childish irritation in his voice] He said; "..See this is what happens? I can't end up visiting with you guys and shaking hands if I'm going to get grilled every time I come down here." HELLO!!!!! Isn’t that what the press does at press conferences? If you want to rule the world, better Get used to it!
8.- President Barack Obama on Friday struck down the Bush administration's ban on giving federal money to perform abortions abroad so pregnant women can go to foreign countries to murder their babies at taxpayer expense ...
9. - Obama vows to push the "Anti-hate Crimes" bill vetoed by Bush because it legalizes arresting pastors for preaching homosexuality is a sin.
10. - Obama ordered the closure of any remaining secret CIA "black site" prisons abroad and barred CIA interrogators from using harsh techniques already banned for military questioners.
11. - Obama lifted a ban on federal funding for stem cell research... (Here comes cloning and more killing of human life for the sake of science....)
12. - And on the fifth day, from the Honorable Patrick Fitzgerald office, subpoenas were served to nearly all of Obama's senior staff - that didn't take long...
13. - "...Obama made his first really dumb political move when he picked a fight with Rush Limbaugh, telling GOP senators that they shouldn't listen to the talk show host and get on board with his stimulus package. (Quote: "...Obama broke the first rule of political gunslinging: never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel -- or in the case of Rush Limbaugh, someone with 23 million daily listeners and 3 hours every day with which to make you look like an idiot...")
This week among other things, in order to comply with Obama’s executive orders, the judge handling the cases of terrorists imprisoned at Guantanomo Bay dropped charges against the alleged master mind of the 2000 bombing that killed 17 sailors on the USS Cole.
Only 207 more weeks to go unless we impeach the guy for not being eligible to serve in the first place!

Posted on resistnet feb. 6, 2009
Does anyone remember David Ogden‘s involvement in the Clinton administration?
Here’s part of what Orin Hatch had to say in 1999 about David Ogden’s service as top assistant to Janet Reno.
Senator Hatch said of Janet Reno‘s Justice Department in which David Ogden served as top official, “In my 23 years in the Senate, I had never seen a more politicized Justice Department“ He referenced Ogden’s handling of illegal campaign contributions from foreign governments to Mr. Clinton’s campaign and concessions by Clinton’s administration to that same foreign government at a time when a dangerous breach of national security by the same foreign government was under FBI investigation. He referenced the refusal of the Reno’s department under advice of Ogden to investigate or halt such activities, despite the fact that they concerned some of our most closely guarded nuclear secrets.
During 1997, the Justice Department refused to hear the FBI’s request for wiretap authority to investigate evidence of espionage at nuclear laboratories and terminated investigations of criminals from the countries of criminals who violated campaign finance laws. The Justice Department asked a Federal judge in Los Angeles to approve a plea agreement for John Huang, a major political fundraiser with close White House ties who raised $1.6 million the Democratic Party. His charges were reduced to minor violations and at the recommendation of the Justice Department, Mr. Huang, served only a year’s probation and paid a small fine.
The Justice Department also drafted a plea agreement to terminate further criminal proceedings against a reported friend of the President named Yah Lin ‘‘Charlie’’ Trie, who raised more than $1.3 million. Trie was permitted to plead guilty to one count of making false statements to the Federal Election Commission, with a maximum sentence of 6 years in prison, for which he served only 3 years’ probation.
Evidence has emerged that the courts acquiesced in these highly suspect arrangements and a troubling report that the chief judge of the District of Columbia District Court (Ogden) bypassed the court’s random case assignment procedure by handpicking Clinton appointed judges to whom the Trie and Webster Hubbell cases were assigned.
The Attorney General’s own statement to Congress that there is “an inherent conflict of interest whenever an Attorney General is called upon to investigate a President,” did not stop her from refusing an independent counsel in any case involving the Clinton administration.
The Justice Department refused to thoroughly investigate information about the transfer of $300,000 by a Chinese military officer and former aerospace executive to Johnny Chung, another major fundraiser who entered a plea bargain in exchange for a minimal sentence. The Department in 1997 rejected the FBI’s request for wiretap permission to investigate Wen Ho Lee, the prime suspect in the theft of our country’s most coveted nuclear secrets. Mr. Lee was accused of transferring the U.S. nuclear secrete to the same foreign government that contributed millions to the Clinton campaign.
Mr. Hatch closed his comments with a quote from the author Bob Woodward which he said applied to Justice Department policies under Ogden and Reno and appears to apply for Obama‘s team as well. (quote) “Never join the issue, never have an all-out fight with the congressional committees. Never say ‘‘no’’ to requests for documents or testimony. Always say, ‘‘We’ll get back to you, we’ll get you what we can. Let’s talk about this, Let’s meet, Let’s negotiate.’’ Always keep something on the table. Avoid confrontation. Write conciliatory letters. The reason for the strategy was also simple: if there was no confrontation, there was no news, * * * The less scandal news, the better for the president and his reelection.

Posted on 2-6-09 From CNS News Feb. 5, 2009
Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council said even though Ogden may look good on paper, the reality is he would be “a horrible” deputy attorney general.“This is a guy who has lobbied in the court system for just about every anti-family issue you could think of – everything from child pornography to children’s rights when it comes to abortion, to lobbying for gays in the military,” McClusky said. Anti-pornography attorney Pat Trueman told that Ogden has has been on a legal crusade, representing pornographers, abortionists and homosexual activists seeking to change military law.“David Ogden is, from the pro-family perspective, the worst choice President Obama could make for this key position at the U.S. Department of Justice,” Trueman told Burch, president of Fidelis, a pro-life, pro-family advocacy organization, said Ogden has represented Playboy “in at least four different cases.” “He’s represented Penthouse magazine, he represented the largest distributor of hardcore pornography, along with the ACLU and others,” Burch told Ogden has fought against “reasonable restrictions to protect children from pornography – especially in libraries and other venues in which pornographers attempt to distribute their materials,” Burch added.-- He opposed the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 in court (in United States v. American Library Association). -- He challenged the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act of 1988, and a companion law adopted in 1990 – the Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enhancement Act. Ogden argued that requiring porn producers to personally verify that their models were over age 18 would “burden too heavily and infringe too deeply on the right to produce First Amendment-protected material.” -- Ogden even sued the federal government in an attempt to publish Braille versions of Playboy magazine – at taxpayer expense.“He’s far outside the mainstream,” Burch added. “He’s not someone that American families can rely on to enforce the laws on our books – let alone to not use the courts to advance legal positions that could emperil the American family.” Bob Peters of Morality in Media, an interfaith anti-porn organization based in New York City, said Ogden isn’t just a powerhouse attorney who may have represented a lone pornographer sometime during his career. “It would be one thing if David Ogden had represented pornographers or those defending pornography in one or two cases over a long distinguished legal career,” Peters said. “But this man went into court over and over again to represent soft-core and hardcore pornographers and other smut peddlers.” ‘Abortion-on-demand absolutist’Ogden also has been deeply involved in top Supreme Court cases seeking to advance abortion and homosexuals in the military, said McClusky, who is vice president of government affairs at the Family Research Council.-- In Casey vs. Planned Parenthood in 1992, Ogden argued against Post-Abortion Syndrome, saying: “Abortion rarely causes or exacerbates psychological or emotional problems. When women do experience regret, depression or guilt, such feelings are mild and diminish rapidly, without adversely affecting general functioning. The few women who do experience negative psychological responses after abortion, appear to be those with pre-existing emotional problems.”-- In Hartigan v. Zbaraz, Ogden argued (on behalf of the American Psychological Association) that requiring a 13- or 14-year-old girl to notify her parents before getting an abortion was “an unconstitutional burden.” He wrote: “By any objective standard, the decision to abort is one that a reasonable person, including a reasonable adolescent, could make.”In Scheidler v. National Organization of Women in 2003, Ogden co-authored a legal brief on behalf of the feminist group and several abortion clinics. The groups wanted federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations) Act penalties applied against pro-lifers from Operation Rescue and the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago – penalties which were originally aimed at fighting organized crime.Ogden even represented law professors in a brief supporting Oregon’s Death with Dignity law allowing physician-assisted suicide.Ogden, meanwhile, has filed legal briefs on behalf of clients in every major case involving homosexuality or the military ban on homosexuality – including the landmark 1986 case, Bowers v. Hardwick, in which he wrote -- “Because neither homosexuality, nor the prohibited sexual conduct is pathological in and of itself, preventing the development of homosexuality and deterring the prohibited conduct cannot be defended as mental health goals.In Watkins v. United States Army, Ogden argued that sexual orientation “does not affect a person’s ability to contribute to society” and that “discrimination” against homosexuals is “substantially based on erroneous stereotypes.” “He basically argued that it was OK to turn the armed forces into a social experiment,” McClusky said. Ogden also weighed in on behalf of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association in Lawrence v. Texas, the 2003 case that swept away all laws against sodomy and homosexual behavior. He argued that homosexuality is “a normal form of human sexuality.”Pat Trueman, who headed the Justice Department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section in the George H.W. Bush administration, said what makes the confirmation of Ogden so dangerous is that the second-in-command job at the Justice Department essentially functions as CEO for the agency.“He is being put in by President Obama to affect the entire spectrum of issues of concern to the pro-family movement, and the result will not be good if he is confirmed,” Trueman said. “If we don’t defeat him now, we will be fighting against him for the next four years – only he will have all the tools on his side.” Added McClusky: “I think if most Americans knew what this man has worked for, has argued for, has gone to court for, support for him would melt aw
Posted on resistnet feb. 6, 2009
Did anyone notice that as rumored before his inauguration, Obama did NOT take the actual oath of office with his hand on the Holy Bible as has been the tradition for hundreds of years? Instead after the oath was stated wrong, he took it in ""private"" with Justice Roberts in the Oval Office. And no one could find a Bible. ??


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