Friday, April 10, 2009

Correction of news article Before the Supreme Court acted

The cases heard so far allege Obama is not a natural born citizen (i.e. born of two American parents on American soil). They did NOT allege that he is not a citizen at all though he may not be.
Also, the cases heard to date WERE NOT DISMISSED which would mean the evidence was reviewed by the court and deemed nto to justify trial.
Three of nearly twenty cases working their way through the system were presented to the court. They were DENIED, NOT DISMISSED. DENIED means the court denied the case without reviewing the evidence. The cases were denied because they were brought before a violation of the U.S. Constitution actually occurred. The violation (crime) occurred only when Obama officially assumed the office of President thus the cases had no validity at the time they were presented to the Supreme Court.
Let's wait and see what will happen to the remaining cases as they reach the court. The odds against a case being considered by the court at all are very high so the fact that these cases were even presented to the full court means something is gong on.
As would be obvious to anyone with even a molecule of intelligence, if Obama is a natural born citizen, it would be obvious in any one of the documents he has refused to have made public (his passport records, his school records, his birth records (not the same as a 'certifiate of live birth.' Even if the one posted on his website had proven to be legitimate, it is not proof of his place of birth. Only the birth records certified by licensed healthcare professionals at the time of his birth are proof of place, time, parentage, etc.)
If the documentation of his place of birth were not incriminating, he would have presented the documentation long before now, if for no other reason than to avoid further legal fees, lawsuite, and publicity that might occur even in the now Saudi controlled media.
Get your facts straight Johnny, IloveAmerica, and others.
Just because a bunch of emotional illiterates who believe anything fed to them by some television personality elected an obviously ineligible candidate does NOT mean we are stuck with him. Our constitution makes allowances for voter mistakes by offering the option of impeachment which will probably never be pursued by the stupid democrats in the legislature, but he could be removed by order of the Supreme Court. The practical possibility of that actually occurring is probably remote with or current justices, but perhaps it is time for them to start defending the U.S. Constitution and stop defending the French Constitution and whatever their whim is on a particular day.


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