The Role of the meida in the economic crisis
Most Americans seem nto to take into consideration the efffect of the mainstream media in the recent housing downturn, the recent banking crisis, and the plunge in the stock market.
When Amreicans who allow the television to do their thinking for them heard the device constantly criticizing and ridiculing every action of Geeorge W. Bush, they began to question his every action and his motives. Thus public opinions become less favorable--or at least that's what the media conducted polls are reported to indicate.
Then if those same TV addicted Americans begin to hear on every televised broadcast how America hates their leader, they beoome convinced that perhaps they do hate the leader and opinion polls begin to indicate more disapproval.
If at the same time TV addicts are inunated with propaganda for another individual who is portrayed as the savior, who will deliver them from all the problems they are already convinced result from the previous leader's incompetence, more polls indicate even more disapproval.
Is it any wonder that American opinions of President George W. Bush are reported to be declining? The only news reported by the mainstream media about his tenure in office is negative. And the only news reported about Mr. Ohbama is positive. Worse yet, anyone who supports President Bush and the President himself are the victim of constant ridicule.
A more recent example of media bias is the absolute absence of news about the Supreme Court cases about Mr. Obama's citizenship except when they have been denied and the headlines indicate there is no question Mr. Obama is a natural born citizen as required by the U.Sl. Constitution. In actuality, the evidence has never been published by the mainstream media. the only accurate information is the vague records of the U.S. Supreme Court as published by the court on the web.
I have asked around 200 people if they approve of Mr. Bush's leadership and very few have demonstrated anything even remotely resembling the vitriole evident on every news broadcast. And most ot those questioned have answered a resounding "YES."
That Americans generally blame George W. Bush for essentially every negative event in America is nothing but a myth perpetrated by a media now controlled by the investment of bilions of petro dollars, much of it from enemy countries. But this much publicized disapproval of President Bush is just a hoax perpetrated agains tthe American public by the media.
Far more people admire the President than television watching Americans might ever believe.
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