Thursday, May 27, 2010

'natural born citizen'

The term 'natural born citizen' in Article II of the U.S. Constitution is not defined in the constitution itself. However, it was a well understood term at the time and is defined in numerous letters and documents between the founding fathers.

The definition has been clear to everyone since the Constitution was signed. In fact Obama himself made it clear he understood the term during his campaign for U.S. Senate. When he was questioned by an opponent about his Kenyan father, he reminded his opponent his natural born citizenship was not at issue because he was running for the Senate, not the Presidency. ("Natural born citizenship" is a requirement only for candidates for the U.S. Presidency and does not apply to U.S. Senators, etc.)

The founding fathers added Article II to avoid a situation similar to what is happening under Obama. They were aware that when Poland elected a disloyal non-natural born leader who partitioned their country it was almost destroyed.



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