Three Republican traitors
Three Republicans (Collins, Specter and Snowe) have expressed their intent to join Democrats to pass Obama's Spending plan for more than $1.1 trillion. If cloture is invoked today, with the help of the three Republicans, the bill is expected to achieve the 60 votes necessary for final passage when it comes to a full vote at noon on Tuesday,
In an obvious effort to avoid the overwhelming opposition of the public a non-roll call vote on cloture for the Collins/Nelson amendment is scheduled for a Saturday TODAY, Feb. 7, from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
The amendment is nothing more than a token change designed to placate the opposition of so many patriotic Americans to Obama's so-called Stimulus Plan. It will have no effect on the most onerous provisions of the plan and if allowed to achieve cloture, the amendment will pave the way to passage of the corrupt plan to lead our country into socialism as the frist step toward communism.
It is critical that every citizen IMMEDIATELY contact these three Republicans, their own Senators and Representatives from either party, and anyone else that might influence Monday's vote against Obama's plan.
Even this weekend we can CALL our Legislators. There may be no answer, but due to the huge call volume in opposition to this very issue, most are using answering machines during the work week as well as weekends. And they do listen to messages. We can send snail mail overnight or we can email, and FAX our opposition. We can contact, not only the three Republicans who abandoned their constituency to vote for this ridiculous plan, but our own Democrat Legislators who are placing loyalty to party over loyalty to their constituency.
The Plan sacrifices America's liberty and the liberty of OUR CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN AND THEIR GRANDCHILDREN who will not only pay the cost of the plan, but will live in the Socio-Communist country created by this plan that like many other Obama proposals violates the freedom guarantees of the U.S. Constitution.
I rarely request that emails be passed along. But in this case I would ask that you pass this along to anyone in your address book. Contact information for U.S. Representatives can be found at:
Contact information for U.S. Senators can be found at:
Thank you and may God Bless our country.
Posted on 2-7-09
Ann, et al,
This ridiculous rumor CANNOT be verified. It is nothing but a LIBERAL LIE.
The LIE was conceived by LIBERAL TRAITORS like Ann, or by liberals who take advantage of CHUMPS like her, to eliminate opposition to that part of Obama's idiotic stimulus plan so he and Pelosi can more easily cram it down the throats of the uninformed public. The four month extension is included in the Stimulus Plan in order to sneak it past congress under the cover of the trillion dollar expenditure.
The reason for the changeover, which was initiated under George Bush, is that digital transmission of television and radio signals will free up channels of communication for use in emergencies such as 9/11. (anyone remember trying to contact loved ones in NY on that date?)
The reason this America hating president is pushing this issue through is that should we survive another attack, emergency communication would be disrupted and human agony would escalate to a level high enough to enable him to further his dictatorship by stealing more of our liberties in the name of security.
The extension already approved by the uninformed House of Representatives, increases by four months the window of opportunity for Obama's partners in terror to inflict horrendous human damage on our country.
Either way, IT'S A LIE!
IGNORE this stupidity!
Unsent who posted for a good homosexual show on dramaturgy
As a tax paying Oklahoman, I would like to suggest, no demand, that my tax dollar be used to support professors and others involved in producing the Best Shows possible without regard to the social issues best addressed in private or in ethics, political science, and philosophy classes.
Theaters who imagine some obligation to make "social change" and address "social issues" are the reason theaters throughout the U.S. are closing their doors.
Both university and free standing theaters need to get over themselves
Tell the donor to go fly a Kite and put on a good show!
Registration 2-8-09 at
Email Address: Username: janiska Password: hello1again Password Reminder Edit Secret Question: What is your mothers maiden name? Secret Answer: bolding Basic Information Edit Salutation: Ms. First Name: janis Last Name: montgomery Address: 2104 ramblewood court City: edmond State: OK Zip: 73025 Country: United States Day-time Phone: (405) 340-8988 Secondary Phone: (405) 340-8988 Fax: (405) 340-8988
Dec. 16, 2008
Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal who runs the Kingdom Holding Company and is perhaps the richest man in the world owns a major stake Fox News parent company, News Corporation, The Wall Street Journal), Time Warner (parent of Time and CNN) and The Walt Disney Company (parent of ABC News). So why would we ever expect to hear anything except propaganda for his blood brother, Barack Obama? Are these investments the reason we have essentially no coverage of conservative issues and very little information about the specifics of the bail out or the Stimulus Plan?
The Saudi Prince also owns a major stake in Citigroup. Did he rescue Citigroup knowing his stock would rise when Citigroup and others were bailed out at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer? Citigroup admits to raising additional billions from Kuwait, Abu Dhabi and other Middle East and Asian countries, but when rich foreign investors were approached bor help before the bailout, they were unresponsive. Were the awaiting the huge U.S. taxpayer bailout they knew would come with the coronation of one of their own, Barack Obama.
Harold Meyerson of the Washington Post, who is a member of Democratic Socialists of America, wrote “Gods That Failed,” about this being a great opportunity to transform the U.S. into a full-blown socialist state. Meyerson, who thinks Obama will take us there, should be commended for his brutal honesty
Bush is accused of mismanaging the economy which set the scene for Obama’s socialist takeover, but the economic take over of our country started just after 9/11 when terrorist countries began buying our investment firms and even more critical, our media.
Does the financial mess result from enemy control of our media? Not totally, but When the media began reporting an impending financial disaster, there was no disaster. But when investors repeatedly heard the housing market would plummet, they flooded the market with real estate so prices did fall though the decline was nowhere as steep as reported. When the foreign controlled banking industry controlled by enemy investors lenders saw the prices of some of the real estate they owned decline, they then the stock market will fail,
A Reuters story quoted a 36-year-old office worker, Gudron Jonsdottir, as saying, “I’ve just had enough of this whole thing. I don’t trust the government, I don’t trust the banks, I don’t trust the political parties, and I don’t trust the IMF. We had a good country here and they’ve ruined it.” One wonders if what is happening in Iceland could be replicated here should more and more people wake up to the deteriorating situation or begin to feel the impact. We are already starting to see “End the Fed” rallies, designed to focus attention on the role of the Federal Reserve in the continuing crisis. Rep. Ron Paul had a bill, H.R. 2755, to abolish the Federal Reserve and restore a national policy of sound money, but it had no co-sponsors. As you can tell from our last several AIM Reports, AIM is leading the effort to tell the truth about what is happening. With your support in the new year, we will expand our campaign. The American way of life is at stake. We must fight to preserve it.
AS WE HAVE DISCUSSED AND DOCUMENTED, PRESIDENT BUSH IN 2005 SIGNED THE SECURITY and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) agreement for North America with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. The plan, designed to promote the integration of the three countries economically and in other areas, has never been approved by Congress. Some observers here in the U.S. think that the financial crisis may force the U.S. government to accelerate a proposed merger into a North American Union and adopt a new currency to replace the dollar. Oct. 2002
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