Thursday, May 27, 2010

Vetting Presidential Candidates

Both Liberals nor Conservatives have problems wrapping their minds around the concept of any person being allowed to run for the Presidency without first having been investigated and certified eligible by some qualified federal agency.

Everyone including those the Congress and the media apparently assumed that Obama was thoroughly investigated by some huge government agency and met the constitutional requirements for presidential candidates. They insist the FBI and possibly the CIA vetted him before he entered the race.

However, neither the FBI, the CIA, the Electoral College, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Election Commission or any other federal agency vets Presidential candidates. Instead, they are vetted only by the nominating PARTY. Party officials are required to complete and sign a form certifying them eligible for the presidency. However in the case of Obama, Nancy Pelosi, on behalf of the Democratic National Committee, submitted the required certification of Obama’s eligibility only to the state of Hawaii which is the only state where it is required. The form was apparently changed to certify only that Obama ‘was’ the candidate and the changed form was submitted to the other 49 states.

As the DNC must surely have known, Obama will NEVER meet the Constitutional requirements for natural born citizenship. By his own admission his father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth and even if he had been born on the White Lawn on the Fourth of July, he can never meet the criteria of being the child of TWO U.S. citizen parents.

As a result of the subversive activities of the DNC, we now have an absolute unknown in the White House. We have NO idea who he is, much less if he is constitutionally eligible to lead our country. And we must know. We must determine who this stranger in the White House is and we must prosecute him for fraud if he is not who he has claimed himself to be.

We must do it NOW before our country erupts in violence.



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