Helloooooo From Outer Space
Hello out there.
Hey Queenie, I love your blog. However, all that positive thinking is giving me a headache. I may actually have to get up off the couch and DO SOMETHING!! What a horrible thought.
I have no idea how I got here or how this blog thing works or how this happened, but I'm here and HOW!
Love your positive attitude. It's the grandbaby. They cause you to OD on positive ions every time you hold those little snuggly bodies in your arms.
You should have seen my wonderful new grand daughter last night. She was a witch. She had a witch hat with purple hair, lime green arms and purple, pink, and green striped legs. She got pushed around the neighborhood in her stroller by her Mommy who was too pooped from dressing the grand princess to don a costume. Princess Abby was, however, accompanied by her Daddy who dressed up in a viking costume with a golf club (he said he was a Yuppie viking?), her youngest brother was a gorilla. Her oldest brother was something in a joker's hat that he pulled over his eyes and wore with a tee shirt that read 'chick magnet' (you figure that one out).
Her grandpa Dan was something with a long black wig from my costume collection and a top hat with a tee shirt that read 'vote no on the union.' I painted my face like one of the cats in CATS the broadway play and sprinkled it with glitter. I wore a black dress with a white tipped tail and fur around my neck.
We were a very scary bunch and we had a blast. We all went into chocolate shock from the treats then Dan and I came home and collapsed into bed. We skipped church to recover today.