Sunday, May 30, 2010


When the posted COLB was proved a fraud, Obamanites began to tout the supposed newspaper announcement(s) of his birth. The first posts of the announcements which have now disappeared from the internet were in a different typestyle and posted crooked within the column. They were so obviously photoshopped, a child could have generated them and when they too were proved fraudulent, they were removed and replaced with the more recent posts which are more expertly generated, but still push the announcement under Obama's into the next column and just like the others are still such obvious fakes that only an Obamanite blinded by adoration could believe them to be legitimate.

Of course even if Obama was born in the White House on the Fourth of July, he will never be a natural born citizen because as he admits in his fictionalized autobiography, his father was not a U.S. citizen.

Obama was vetted only by the corrupt Democrat Party and only an Obamanite operating under the delusion of Obama as the newly coronated messiah would ever be able to convince themselves that he is eligible for the presidency of the United States of America.



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