As a Christian, I believe abortion is an abomination in the eyes of God. However, I believe the argument against abortion on religious grounds has already been lost and because we are compelled by the Bible to "render unto Caesar," the issue of protecting the unborn with the law on religious grounds is a lost cause.
Those arguing for abortion cannot rationalize religioun with their personal greed and thus cannot allow the religion to enter the debate. A position based on the U.S. Declaration of Independence may be a more easily defensible position than arguing the religios concepts.
From the point of view of the constitution and Declaration of Independence there are two types of non naturalized citizenship recognized by U.S. law. Jus soli citizenship is conferred by the soil on which one is born while jus sanguinis citizenship is conferred through the blood of a U.S. citizen.
Americans may disagree about when life begins, but there is no disagreement about the transfer of nutirents via the mother's blood to an embryo implanted in her uterus. Thus at the time of implantation, the embryonic child becomes a U.S. citizen by jus sanguinis.
Therefore, an embryo implanted in the uterus of a U.S. citizen is also a U.S. citizen by jus sanguinis and deserves the same protection afforded any other U.S. citizen (i.e. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). To interfere with those rights is and should be a crime.
As to the issue of the natural born citizenship requirement for eligibility for candidates for the U.S. presidency, Neither sanguineous nor Territorial citizenship independent of each other confers Natural born Citizenship. A natural born citizen must be born of two American citizens on American soil thus acquiring both types of citizenship.
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