Saturday, June 26, 2010

The lazy U.S electorate

In 2008, the lazy U.S electorate was defrauded and a subversive entered the U.S. Presidency. By joining the brigades of like thinking liberals in the U.S. Legislature Barack Obama has systematically destroyed many of the liberties guaranteed to us by the U.S. Constitution which he swore to support and defend. The U.S. Supreme Court was established to assure justice and to enforce the Constitution, but it too has been compromised by the appointment of liberal justices.

The Court was established to defend the rights of the America’s people from the oppression of a too powerful government. But the Court has been perverted by the oppressive intent of Barack Obama and his power seeking Legislative cohorts and the liberal Justices serving on the Supreme Court. At this point we can no longer rely on the U.S. Supreme Court to defend our rights. They have become what they were established to defend against.

The Court has abandoned the intelligence of the U.S. Constitution for the emotions of the Jim Jones of American politics, Barack Obama. They now defend America’s enemies and terrorist attackers from outside our country along with the Progressives from within whose daily attacks on our constitutional rights are leading us to the dictator type regime from which the founding fathers escaped and through the Constitution intended to avoid.

Obama's own attorney general now discusses making exceptions to the Miranda warnings for terrorist suspects. Of course he would apply it to all criminal suspects. It is so very important to him that we take our time and deal fairly with terrorists while their bombs blow us off the earth.

By refusing to act on Obama's lack of identifying documents, and against his Attorney General to defend us from terrorism, they are joining Obama in escalating the destruction of our country. As a result we are helpless in the non-violent defense of our rights. They have abrogated their responsibility as the last resort for achieving justice and are jeopardizing not only our constitution, but our very existence on the earth.

Only Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito have dissented in the decisions of five Supreme Court justices who have repeatedly defended Jihadists treating them as if they were no more dangerous than a few juveniles on a beer binge.

Following Bill Clinton’s insistence on prosecuting the World Tower bombers in U.S. courts, we were attacked by terrorists. As a result of the intense oversight of George W. Bush America experienced NO additional terrorist attacks. During the entire seven years after the terrorist attack of 9-11. Under the leadership of George W. Bush further attacks were averted and under the orchestrated under the lax oversight of Bill Clinton‘s administration on 9-11. However, during less than two years after the inauguration of Barack Obama, U.S. citizens, with little help from Homeland Security, have thwarted (EIGHT) terrorist attacks. The illegal entry of these terrorists is defended by the courts everywhere except Arizona. Their continued illegal residence is encouraged by the refusal of our elected officials and appointed judiciary to enforce existing laws.

Bleeding heart liberals insist execution, even for treason, does not deter violence or treason, but very few executed individuals are released into the public to repeat their crimes. We should have already executed Faisal Shahzad, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the underwear bomber, we will have at least eliminated three repeat terrorists. But it won't happen because the Supreme Court say they should get full protection including the Miranda warning.
Elena Kagan whose only qualification is having 'sealed” Obama's records' will be no exception.

As an admirer of both George W. and Laura Bush I am dismayed to hear she may be wavering in the battle for the right to life.
As a Christian, I agree that abortion is an abomination in the eyes of God. However, I believe the argument against abortion on religious grounds has already been lost and because we are compelled by the Bible to "render unto Caesar," I view the issue of protecting the unborn with the law as a lost cause. Those arguing for abortion often cannot justify their religious need with their personal greed and thus cannot allow the logic of religion to enter patriotic debate. But as a Christian of U.S. citizenship, I have found the logical argument to be more defensible than an argument based on religion.

Many disagree about when life begins, but no one can present a scientific case that 'life' as biologically defined not having begun after the embryo has implanted in the mother's uterus.
At the time of implantation, the embryo acquires sanguineous citizenship as a result of acquiring the mother's blood and depending on the geographical location of the mother at the time of implantation possibly territorial citizenship as well.
Therefore, an embryo implanted in a mother who is a U.S. citizen is also a U.S. citizen and deserves the same protection afforded any other U.S. citizen (i.e. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). To interfere with those rights is and should be a crime.
Neither sanguineous nor Territorial citizenship independent of each other confers Natural born Citizenship.
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