Posted on resistnet 2-3-09
Yesterday the NY TImes had an article entitled Obama’s Pledge to Reform Ethics Faces an Early Test
By PETER BAKER It almost but not quite verged on criticism of the Great One, Obama, for promising a "New era of Responsibility" and delivering only two tax dodging cabinet nominees, a military contractor for the No. 2 post in the Pentagon, and lobbyists for positions of authority in agencies that regulate the very industries they represented. Of course Daschle was agrandized for 'apologizing' for not paying his taxes. Maybe we should all try that tactic with the IRS. I'm sure it would get us all off.
Isn't it time P.R. firms realized the time when the public could be distracted by false apologies is OVER. We've heard them so much they have lost all meaning. Throughout his campaign, Obama used them like candy to distract a child. Surely any intelligent human can see through that scam.
The article went on to say how the Dashle incident has already shown how, "when faced with the perennial clash between campaign rhetoric and Washington reality, Mr. Obama has proved willing to compromise." Isn't the compromise of ethics the problem? Compromised ethics means ther are no ethics at all. And that is what we have in Washington now. If Obama can't behave ethically by tellling the truth about his citizenship, how can we expect him to tell the truth about anything?
(removed and not posted) The article identified the lobbyists who have found places in the administration as Mark Patterson, who represented Goldman Sachs and is now chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner. William V. Corr, who lobbied for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, who has been selected as deputy health and human services secretary.
The article referred to Jimmy Carter's promise of a new day in Washington after Watergate but found itsself caught up in the scandal of top associates. Then there was Bill Clinton, champion of scum -- up util now, who promised “the most ethical administration in history.” And we all know what that meant. NOTHING but corruption. They say Mr. Bush also promised a new era of responsibility, but was ACCUSED of selling out to energy and military industries. And it was the NY Times and Washington who made the unsupported accusations.
It seems Jimmy Carter’s press secretary, Jody Powell, later founded a prominent lobbying firm and is quoted as saying, "It was better to establish lofty goals that might not be met than to not have any at all." Kind of like it's better to be a scum than nobody at all. YUK!
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