Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Blame

Anyone who blames President Bush for the war in Iraq because they think Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 is an idiot. Do liberals all have Alzheimer's? Don't they remember it was the "Islamic Nation" which includes Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi, et al, who proudly claimed credit for 9-11? Did they forget the bodies of Sadam Hussein’s victims?

Now the liberal chumps are falling for the media and Obama's "blame BP" line. BP is just a scapegoat to distract us from Obama's latest legislative fiasco. As soon as he drives them into bankruptcy, the oil companies he is vilifying will be targets for govt. takeover.

Almost 3 months later we still don't know what caused the spill. No investigation. No clean up. Nothing but bad TV, big parties, and rubbing elbows with the glitterati.

The Horizon's blowout protector should have prevented the spill. After all, it was either inspected or sabotaged by Obama's stooges just weeks before it "malfunctioned." Also, there's no plausible explanation for what happened at the wellsite either. Blowouts happen all the time. It took something bigger than a blowout to explode the rig and the wellsite. And it had to coincide with the blowout protector "malfunction."

Conspiracy theory or not, It took a series of mysterious mal-functions to create the worst oil spill in history. And the biggest mal-function of all time was the 2008 election.
