Sunday, May 30, 2010

Certification of Live Birth is NOT a Birth Certificate

It is amazing to me how many Americans, including Mr. Nowlin, misread the ’certificate’ posted online by Obama. What he posted online is NEITHER a “Birth CertifiCATE” nor a “CertifiCATE of Live Birth.” Instead, he posted a “CertifiCATION of Live Birth” which is a totally different thing than the Birth CertifiCATE or CertifiCATE of Live birth.

The terms “Birth CertifiCATE” and “CertifiCATE of Live Birth” are used interchangeably to designate the official document used to prove an individual’s date, time, place, parentage, and citizenship . The terms “Birth CertifiCATE” and “CertifiCATE of Live Birth” are NOT interchangeable with the term “CertifiCATION of Live Birth.” Individuals are issued a “Birth CertifiCATE” or “CertifiCATE of Live Birth” by the state in which they were born. Those Certificates are recognized across state lines through reciprocal agreements.

A “CertifiCATE of Live Birth is the official document issued to confirm a child was born alive to a specific woman at a specific time in a specific place. The “Birth CertifiCATE” or “CertifiCATE of Live Birth” is developed from the official document completed by an authorized physician and/or nurse in attendance at the birth. Its accuracy is attested to on the official birth record which is completed onsite immediately after the birth. Health professionals authorized by their professional license and the facility where they are employed attest to the accuracy of the information with their signature which is sealed with an official stamp or seal securely maintained by the facility in which the birth occurs.

A “CertificCATION of Live Birth” merely certifies that unofficial information has been received by an agency of government from an unauthorized individual. The information may be submitted by a witness in no official capacity who has reason to know that an individual exists, and/or was born alive. It may or may not include the date, time, and place of birth and does not include the authorized signature of a licensed physician or nurse and does not contain the seal signifying its legitimacy. It is not based on an official document and its accuracy is entirely dependent upon the truthfulness of an unauthorized individual.

At the time Obama claims to have been born, individuals born in Hawaii received a Hawaiian “CertifiCATE of Live Birth“ also called a “Birth CertifiCATE.” Individuals born to residents of Hawaii, but NOT born on U.S. soil received a “CertifiCATION of Live Birth” like the one posted online by Obama on his website and later by the Annenberg site,
The CertifiCATION of Live Birth posted by Obama is NOT proof he was born in Hawaii. In fact, it is more likely he was not born there as it was the document issued to individuals NOT born on U.S. soil. It is more likely proof of his INeligibility for the office of Presidency than proof of eligibility.



As a Christian, I believe abortion is an abomination in the eyes of God. However, I believe the argument against abortion on religious grounds has already been lost and because we are compelled by the Bible to "render unto Caesar," the issue of protecting the unborn with the law on religious grounds is a lost cause.

Those arguing for abortion cannot rationalize religioun with their personal greed and thus cannot allow the religion to enter the debate. A position based on the U.S. Declaration of Independence may be a more easily defensible position than arguing the religios concepts.

From the point of view of the constitution and Declaration of Independence there are two types of non naturalized citizenship recognized by U.S. law. Jus soli citizenship is conferred by the soil on which one is born while jus sanguinis citizenship is conferred through the blood of a U.S. citizen.

Americans may disagree about when life begins, but there is no disagreement about the transfer of nutirents via the mother's blood to an embryo implanted in her uterus. Thus at the time of implantation, the embryonic child becomes a U.S. citizen by jus sanguinis.

Therefore, an embryo implanted in the uterus of a U.S. citizen is also a U.S. citizen by jus sanguinis and deserves the same protection afforded any other U.S. citizen (i.e. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness). To interfere with those rights is and should be a crime.

As to the issue of the natural born citizenship requirement for eligibility for candidates for the U.S. presidency, Neither sanguineous nor Territorial citizenship independent of each other confers Natural born Citizenship. A natural born citizen must be born of two American citizens on American soil thus acquiring both types of citizenship.

Please continue to pursue true journalism and write about important issues.



When the posted COLB was proved a fraud, Obamanites began to tout the supposed newspaper announcement(s) of his birth. The first posts of the announcements which have now disappeared from the internet were in a different typestyle and posted crooked within the column. They were so obviously photoshopped, a child could have generated them and when they too were proved fraudulent, they were removed and replaced with the more recent posts which are more expertly generated, but still push the announcement under Obama's into the next column and just like the others are still such obvious fakes that only an Obamanite blinded by adoration could believe them to be legitimate.

Of course even if Obama was born in the White House on the Fourth of July, he will never be a natural born citizen because as he admits in his fictionalized autobiography, his father was not a U.S. citizen.

Obama was vetted only by the corrupt Democrat Party and only an Obamanite operating under the delusion of Obama as the newly coronated messiah would ever be able to convince themselves that he is eligible for the presidency of the United States of America.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Vetting Presidential Candidates

Both Liberals nor Conservatives have problems wrapping their minds around the concept of any person being allowed to run for the Presidency without first having been investigated and certified eligible by some qualified federal agency.

Everyone including those the Congress and the media apparently assumed that Obama was thoroughly investigated by some huge government agency and met the constitutional requirements for presidential candidates. They insist the FBI and possibly the CIA vetted him before he entered the race.

However, neither the FBI, the CIA, the Electoral College, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Election Commission or any other federal agency vets Presidential candidates. Instead, they are vetted only by the nominating PARTY. Party officials are required to complete and sign a form certifying them eligible for the presidency. However in the case of Obama, Nancy Pelosi, on behalf of the Democratic National Committee, submitted the required certification of Obama’s eligibility only to the state of Hawaii which is the only state where it is required. The form was apparently changed to certify only that Obama ‘was’ the candidate and the changed form was submitted to the other 49 states.

As the DNC must surely have known, Obama will NEVER meet the Constitutional requirements for natural born citizenship. By his own admission his father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth and even if he had been born on the White Lawn on the Fourth of July, he can never meet the criteria of being the child of TWO U.S. citizen parents.

As a result of the subversive activities of the DNC, we now have an absolute unknown in the White House. We have NO idea who he is, much less if he is constitutionally eligible to lead our country. And we must know. We must determine who this stranger in the White House is and we must prosecute him for fraud if he is not who he has claimed himself to be.

We must do it NOW before our country erupts in violence.


Obama's Supreme Court Nominee

Both Conservatives and Liberals might as well get used to Elana Kagan on the Supreme Court. Like Obama, we're stuck with her.

While Dean of Harvard Law, she had access to the records Obama has spent millions to hide.

She's got the dirt on him so he's stuck with her, plus he probably loves it that she's a wimp and a boob without the intellect or will to send him to trial when the colossal fraud he has perpetrated on the American public becomes public.

Not to worry though. It's just Extortion as usual.


The U.S. Judicial Department

The U.S. Judicial Department upon which America has traditionally depended for administration of justice is turning a blind eye on Obama’s obvious violation of our constitution. As a result, we have no idea who is in OUR White House. This is a man who was elected to serve US, a man who works on OUR property, and is OUR employee.

As Americans we are taught that our system of justice will enforce laws to protect us from anarchy. But in the case of Obama, we are being abandoned by the very system we have trusted to administer the law of peaceful co-existence. At some point as our rights are persistently ignored, we may become so oppressed as to erupt in violence.

Every day more evidence emerges to indicate that Obama is, in fact, be an enemy agent out to destroy our country. As his employer the American people have every right to know who is in every position of leadership in OUR country. Not only is Obama, our employ, he is entrusted with the freedom and our continued existence on the planet. He has failed at both.

As Americans we hate the idea of the violence especially within our borders, and especially if it results from inaction by the Judicial system we trust to protect us from such eggregioius actions as would lead to violence. However, as an Americans we are committed to the peace that can only result from the orderly regress of differences. At this point I have no hope for justice in Obama’s case and I fear the American people will become so ignored and oppressed as to erupt in violence.


'natural born citizen'

The term 'natural born citizen' in Article II of the U.S. Constitution is not defined in the constitution itself. However, it was a well understood term at the time and is defined in numerous letters and documents between the founding fathers.

The definition has been clear to everyone since the Constitution was signed. In fact Obama himself made it clear he understood the term during his campaign for U.S. Senate. When he was questioned by an opponent about his Kenyan father, he reminded his opponent his natural born citizenship was not at issue because he was running for the Senate, not the Presidency. ("Natural born citizenship" is a requirement only for candidates for the U.S. Presidency and does not apply to U.S. Senators, etc.)

The founding fathers added Article II to avoid a situation similar to what is happening under Obama. They were aware that when Poland elected a disloyal non-natural born leader who partitioned their country it was almost destroyed.


Okay, I admit it. I'm paranoid, but then anyone who is not, is either asleep, stoned, or unconscious.

I became suspicious when the MSM hardly noticed David Hayes, Obama's newly Appointed head of Minerals Management, when he declared immediately after the oil spill that the Horizon had been inspected at least three times this year including the last inspection only 3 weeks before the blow out. It struck me that the malfunctioning Blow out Protection device was either not inspected or it was sabotaged?

Either way, the blow out came at a very convenient time for Obama. Here's a few of the interesting coincidences:

(1) The oil spill occurred just before the global warming summit.

(2) The spill began soon after it became obvious that Al Gore's global warming experts were frauds.

(3) The spill began almost immediately after Obama sucked up to U.S. Oil money by reversing his previous "no offshore drilling" policy by issuing his "Explore baby, Explore" edict which severely troubled the global warming greenies.

(4) And the oil spill enabled Obama to reverse his previous reversal by placing a moratorium on offshore exploration and drilling.

Now he can waltz off to the Global Warming Summit arm in arm with another CRISIS!!

Does that all sound too darned convenient or not?

Am I just paranoid? Or am I paranoid because there's an enemy agent in the White House? (Even the paranoid have enemies you know)

It's a very deep question.....

People without God

So many nations, groups, and individuals were starving for God that when Obama came along and gave them hope, though false, it filled a void and he was able to mesmerize groups, nations, and individuals. So many are invested in his evil and concealing it that we may never know the truth which may be a blessing because the truth may be more terrifying than we can grasp.

I see the human response to Obama's terrorism every day. Every morning I awaken with dread of what may have happened to our world, our country, and our people while I was sleeping. I feel oppressed and hopeless and I see the same feelings in the eyes and actions of others.

Obama is fulfilling the commitment of the Islamic Nations who promised to "destroy America from within" after they failed to destroy us on 9-11. Under his administration, terrorists have joined forces with the North Korean, Russians, and others who are jealous and full of hatred for our blessed country and our great people.

Our only comfort is knowing that God is still in charge and that at some point justice will prevail. While we wait for justice, we cannot give up. We must do all we can to rid ourselves and our country of this horrible cancer that is infecting every aspect of our lives.

God Bless America.


Criminal charges against Obama


The U.S. Justice Foundation has listed a minimum of six criminal charges that could be filed against Barack Obama if the evidence to prove his ineligibility for office ever gets before the Court.

The list does not include the more heinous crimes of which he is most likely also guilty.
False Impersonation of Officer or Employee of the United States (18 U.S.C. § 912), with a penalty of a fine or imprisonment of not more than three years, or both.

Conspiracy to Commit Offense or to Defraud the United States (18 U.S.C. 371), with a penalty of a fine or imprisonment of not more than five years, or both.

Activities Affecting Armed Forces During War (18 U.S.C. 2388(a), with the penalty of a fine or imprisonment of not more than 20 years, or both.

False Statement in Application and Use of Passport (18 U.S.C. 1542), with a penalty of a fine or imprisonment of not more than 25 years (if the offense was committed to facilitate an act of international terrorism); 10 years (in the case of the first or second such offense, if the offense was not committed to facilitate such an act of international terrorism or a drug trafficking crime), or both.

False Impersonation of a Citizen of the United States (18 U.S.C. 911), with a penalty of a fine or imprisonment of not more than three years, or both.
Perjury (18 U.S.C. 1621), with a penalty of a fine or imprisonment of not more than five years, or both.
There should be many more charges against him such as theft of trillions of taxpayer dollars and the murder of U.S troops ordered not to fire on the suicide bombers who murdered them.


My investigation of Obama 5-27-10

The moment I learned Obama was being considered for the U.S. Presidency, I began researching his background. I read his books which are full of errors and so poorly written, I could hardly focus on what was little more than a long communist sermon.
I read at least 10 articles every day from various world sources via google alert and when it became clear to me that he is little more than a lying communist, I committed to posting something somewhere every day about his obvious ineligibility for the Presidency and his equally obvious disloyalty to America. I have kept those commitments. However, despite encountering his supporters with the truth of his various schemes, I cam claim credit for convincing perhaps a handful of his supporters that he is not the savior they believe him to be.

Though I have recently discovered a few online sites for those who voted for him and now have regrets, all of my friends with clout such as professors, attorneys, politicians, and judges, without exception, are deaf to anything less than praise for this man who appears to be little more than an enemy agent. They believe anything they hear him say and nothing they see him do. And they still blame George W. Bush for every unfortunate consequence of Obama's actions. They truly 'believe' in Obama.

On several occasions, he has asked the American public to "believe" in his various schemes and he seems to have some spiritual power over individuals. The most intellectual and successful appear to be the most vulnerable to his powers.

The parallels between him and Jim Jones are tremendous. And like Jim Jones followers, the liberals have given the koolaid of oppression and outrageous taxation first to their children and are now preparing to willingly swallow the poison themselves in the form of pension losses, etc.

I know Obama says what people want to hear, regardless of the truth and the truth is concealed by the Saudi controlled media, but I simply do not understand the mesmerizing power he seems to have over intellectuals. He has admitted to being a student of Hitler and Alinski and he uses many of their techniques, but the most intelligent of those I know still support him despite having read the books by those communists and dictators, but seem unable to connect them to the overt copycat actions of Obama. I simply cannot understand it.

Does anyone understand this phenomena?


Certificate of Live Birth

For those who continue to insist Obama posted his Birth Certificate online, what he actually posted though from all indications is a forgery, is entitled Certification of Live Birth. A CertificaTION of Live Birth, is not a CertifiCATE of Live Birth or a Birth Certificate.

At the time Obama claims to have been born (though that too has changed a few times) a CertificaTION of Live Birth was issued to children whose parents were residents of Hawaii, but whose child was born outside the U.S.

So by posting a CertificaTION of Live Birth, Obama incriminated himself. He would not have had a CertificaTION of Live Birth if he had been born in Hawaii. Instead he would have had a CertifiCATE of Live Birth. A CertificatION of live birth is NOT evidence of U.S. birth. In fact, it is evidence to the contrary since it was issued only those born outside the U.S.

The elite and supposedly well educated who observed what Obama posted as a Birth Certificate were not reading critically or understanding correctly.


Obama’s position on Veteran’s Healthcare

Obama’s position on Veteran’s Healthcare

Perhaps everyone knows this, but…

Mockery by mainstream media appears to have pushed Obama to abandon his proposal to require veterans to carry private health insurance. His plan was to include them in Obamacare and require them to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost for treatment of injuries to military personnel received during active duty. He admitted being puzzled by the magnitude of opposition to the ridiculous proposal.

He complained, "Look, it's an all volunteer force. Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute. I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country.”

He said, "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."

Apparently he thinks veterans should pay for their own health care, but the tax payer should pay for the healthcare of deadbeat illegal immigrants on welfare.


Obama posted a CertificaTION

Obama posted a CertificaTION of Live Birth, not a CertifiCATE of Live Birth or a Birth Certificate.
A CertificaTION of Live Birth was issued to parents of children who were residents of Hawaii, but whose child was born outside the U.S.
To have a CertificaTION of Live Birth is NOT evidence of U.S. birth. In fact, it is evidence to the contrary since it was issued only those born outside the U.S.
The elite and supposedly well educated who observed what Obama posted as a Birth Certificate were not reading critically or understanding correctly.


Another Obama Convenience----Death

Another Obama Convenience----Death

So far four individuals David Kellerman, Donald Young, Lt. Quarles Harris, and Bill Gwatney, all of whom had access to potentially incriminating information about Barack Obama have died mysteriously.

The most recent, David Kellerman, 41, Chief Financial officer for Freddie Mac was found dead in his home from what police called an apparent suicide. He worked for Freddie Mac, the No. 2 mortgage finance company in the U.S. for sixteen years, before it was seized by Obama. Mr. Kellerman was known to be successful, well regarded, and a stable family man. Police said he hanged himself, but refused to give details. The government appointed CEO, David Moffett, resigned after six months on the job.

Donald Young, 47, Chicago Choir Conductor at Jeremiah Wright‘s Trinity United Church of Christ and school teacher was found shot to death inside his South Side Chicago home. The death was ruled a homicide. Young joined two other openly homosexual young black men from the church attended by Obama for twenty years, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer, who were also murdered within 40 days of each other. Obama was known to be friendly with at least two of the deceased. Donald Young contacted him shortly before being murdered. In a book by Larry Sinclair, an openly gay acquaintance. Obama is alleged to have engaged in a drug and homosexual lifestyle with Mr. Young and others at the Jeremiah Wright church.

Lt. Quarles Harris, 24, a key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a D.C. church. The Metropolitan Police said Lt. Quarles Harris who was cooperating in a federal investigators, was found slumped dead inside a car, in front of the Judah House Praise Baptist Church. A police officer patrolling the neighborhood heard gunshots and found Lt. Harris dead inside a vehicle, which investigators would describe only as a blue car. He was pronounced him dead at the scene.

Bill Gwatney, 48, the Arkansas state Democratic party chairman was killed when a man barged into the Arkansas Democratic headquarters and fatally shot him then sped off in a pickup. Police shot and killed the suspect identified as Timothy Dale Johnson, 50. Moments after the shooting, John- son pointed a handgun at a worker at the nearby Arkansas Baptist headquarters. An official there said he told the worker, “I lost my job.”
One more interesting thought; can anybody remember whole families being killed during the recessions of the recent past due to economic hard times?

Who knows if these deaths are mere coincidence or continuation of the Clinton administration's Management by Homicide?


Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Short Spelling Lesson

A short spelling lesson:

The last four letters in "American" = I Can

The last four letters in "Republican" = I Can

The last four letters in "Democrats" = Rats

End of Lesson.

Test to follow in November,

the month designated as rodent extermination month.


Friday, May 21, 2010

The mysterious birth certificate

The mysterious birth certificate is just the tip of the iceberg. There are at least 25 missing documents. In fact, we have NO objective evidence proving Obama even exists.

We know NOTHING about whom in the White House. Every theory is based on what he (or more likely Bill Ayers) wrote (very badly) in his so-called autobiography.

From his actions to date, one might logically assume he is an Enemy Agent.


arrest papers

Someone needs to file arrest papers on the guy in the White House. He has followed the Hitler tactic of telling the colossal lie and defending it no matter how obvious it becomes that it is a lie. We have absolutely no idea who is in the White House and as his employers, we have not only the right, but the obligation to find out.

At least Taitz has the guts to follow the evidence. Someone said he had not spend millions of tax payer dollars hiding his identity, but had spend only thousands as if that makes it right. Wrong! He first of all shouldn't be hiding his identity from the American public and secondly, he shouldn't be spending even one penny of our tax dollars doing it.
Libs are Losers. Only those who have never made a dime or paid a penny of taxes want more welfare, more government, more oppression. Losers love Obama. They think he's doing them some favor when he's just using them to establish his own kingdom.

Obama is mentally ill and those who follow him are as stupid as the followers of Jim Jones who first fed the kookaid to their kids then to themselves. Like Jim, Obama has convinced his stupid followers to give the koolaid of oppression and taxation to their children and now the adults are taking the poisonous killer taxes themselves. All out of adoration for a charlatan.


Illnesses entering our country

The economic disaster of illegal immigration is just the tip of the iceberg. Not only are our fortunes in danger of being stolen and our lives taken by criminals allowed to illegally enter our country, our health is in danger from both the legal and illegal immigrants allowed to enter our country with undiagnosed and unquaarantined illnesses. Our airports have become an entry point for a variety of exotic microbes poised to take our health and even our lives.

The ill who enter our country are supposed to be quarantined for a period of time adequate to avoid spread of contagious disease. However, a study by USA Today compared airport ambulance calls with quarantine records and found absolutely no connection between the two. Even in what one might expect to be the nation's most germ conscious site, Atlanta's International Airport, there were only 102 quarantine reports for 2009 compared to 473 ambulance calls for passengers entering our country with fever, diarrhea, vomiting and flu symptoms.

Airlines are supposed to notify the CDC to quarantine ill passengers, but few take that precaution. The CDC reported only 91 quarantine reports from Florida, Alabama and Mississippi combined, while Miami International Airport alone recorded 185 ambulance calls for travelers with fever, vomiting, severe diarrhea and flu-like symptoms. There are probably many more who enter with various illnesses not serious enough to require emergency care. They are then allowed to spread their diseases throughout the country in taxis, hotels, subways, museums and restaurants.

All a killer superbug needs to enter America is a human host with a passport and an international airline ticket. Thousands, of airline passengers with fever and other obvious symptoms of contagious disease enter the U.S. every day and almost none are quarantined to determine if they are carrying microbes to infect millions. Even those so ill as to require emergency care at the airport, are rarely quarantined. Instead, they are transported to a local hospital, often at taxpayer expense, where they could infect already ill patients before being dismissed to transmit disease the general population.
