America's Founding Fathers saw natural born citizenship as such an important requirement for the leader of our country, they made it one of only three requierments for serving as President. leading our established a requirement for natural born citizenship in the U.S. Constitution. as a requirement for the office of U.S. President. A Certificate of Live birth such as the false certificate posted on Obama's website prior to the 2008 election certifies only that an individual was born alive. The proof of natural born citizenship is the birth records compelted and signed by health professionals at the time of birth. A
The most damning proof that Obama is does not meet that requirement is his own refusal to present proof. He has shown a remarkable tendency to respond to public opinion, yet on this one issue, he stands out for his own inaction. If he has proof, he would already have presented it.
And is obvious in his and responds most quickly to minority input. But , no matt and that have There is obvious and has been upheld in the court system. Natural born citizenship has been defined by the courts and in various documents from which the Constitution was developed to mean "The offspring of U.S. citizens born within the boundaries of the United States." .
The question now that we seek answered is that Barack Hussein Obama, II is both the child of an alien who never had any intention on becoming a naturalized citizen and the child of a citizen minor. If Barack Hussein Obama, II was in fact born in Hawaii, he is a citizen under Jus soli and afforded all rights any citizen has. But he is not a citizen under Jus sanguinis, because we have laws that dictate how Jus sanguinis citizenship can be transferred. If Barack Hussein Obama, II cannot claim citizenship under Jus sanguinis then he is not a natural born citizen. While many patriots will argue with clear conviction natural born should be narrowly interpreted as to mean both parents must be citizens, giving birth to that child under the jurisdiction of the United States of America, they do accept that Jus sanguinis citizenship can be passed from one parent in accordance to the law of the land at the time of birth. So what was the law of the land at the time for giving a person Jus sanguinis citizenship? Since any citizenship under Jus solis is codified by the Fourteenth Admendment, we only find laws for passing citizenship via Jus sanguinis on August 4th, 1961 in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran-Walter Act). This act states that in order for Obamas right of blood citizenship to be passed to him, that since he only had one parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 14. Barack Hussein Obama, II fails the test for the right to claim natural born citizen status. Common sense tells us that both Jus soli and Jus sanguinis are what the Founding Fathers intended when they penned the phrase a natural born citizen. For imagine foreigners owing allegiance to a foreign power, arriving in America, giving birth to a child and immediately returning home to their country with their child. This child is reared for 21 years in a culture that hates America and that wants to see America destroyed. On the childs 21st birthday this child returns to the United States of America, claiming their citizenship based Jus soli. For fourteen years they live in the United States, supported covertly by these foreign powers, growing in wealth and stature until they reach the age of 35 years. This scenario cumulates with this child of the soil, not having one drop of American blood in their veins, becoming President and destroying this country. Considering that countries are a creation of mankind, and non-existent in nature, natural loyalties are too blood